Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I can help!

The purpose of this post is to educate those who read this on the extreme importance of recieving chiropractic care during pregnancy. If you are already pregnant, or thinking of becoming pregnant, it is highly recommended that you talk to me about finding a chiropractor who can help you throughout this special time. Your nervous system controls all functions in your body. If there is interference in the nervous system, your body does not function as it is intended to. During pregnancy, your body goes through many changes biochemically and biomechanically which can cause interference in the nervous system.
As a chiropractor, I help balance out your nervous system, pelvis, muscles and ligaments that hold your baby, which reduces this stress on your nervous system. When there is interference or stress in your nervous system during your pregancy and this is not addressed, you may experience many different symptoms some including but not limited to: pain, headaches, difficulty sleeping, anxiousness, irritability, etc. Your baby may experience constraints in positioning and when delivery comes it may lead to difficulty during labor and mal-positioning (breech, posterior presentation, etc)Studies have shown that difficulty during labor and/or baby mal-positioning strongly increase the chances of medical intervention. (labor induction, drugs, forceps, vaccuum extraction, and even c-sections)
In my practice I use the Webster technique on pregnant women. This technique is a specific chiropractic adjustment performed to help balance your spine, pelvis, nervous system, muscles and ligaments to ensure proper function of your body during your pregnancy. So if you are pregnant or someone you care about is, and you want to ensure a safe and natural birthing experience, call me! If you are not in the north orange county area, I can help you find a webster certified Chiropractor to help you!

Blessings in well-being,
Dr. Carri TanakaChiropractor

5 tips to a healthy pregnancy, birth and beyond

In my practice as a family wellness chiropractor I take care of all ages with a special emphasis on children and pregnant women. When it comes to caring for women during their pregnancy, they are all unique in the ways in which they go through their pregnancy and birthing experience. Some choose to welcome their baby at home with a midwife and doula, and some choose to have their baby in a hospital setting with an obstetrician and nursing staff. In either type of pregnancy and birth that is chosen and experienced, I have noticed some commonalities that have resulted in a happy and healthy mother and baby.

With that experience , I have come up with my 5 essentials to a healthy pregnancy and birth that can help you create a road map that will guide you through the nine months of anticipation as you await the moment that will change your life forever.

1. Developing a Birth Care Team and a Birth Plan: One of the first things you need to do is evaluate your belief systems and become informed about different types of birthing options. A wonderful documentary called “The Business of Being Born” is an excellent film to view to help shape and develop your sense of the type of birth care team and birth plan you and your partner desire.

2. Healthy Nutrition: We all know how important it is to eat a healthy diet but especially during this important time when your baby is growing and developing. I recommend eating fresh, local, and organic as much as possible. Especially when choosing your fruits, vegetables, dairy, and meat products. Conventionally grown and produced versions of these foods tend to have some of the highest amounts of pesticides and/or hormones and additives. Consulting with your birth care provider, and/or holistic practitioner in regards to vitamin and herbal supplementation is highly recommended as well. Every woman’s needs vary, but one supplement I always recommend are omega three fish oils. Make sure to get a brand that is of high quality and is molecularly distilled to ensure purity.

3. Education: Most women and their partners tend to do a lot of reading once becoming pregnant. However, some of the most successful birth stories I hear come from women who have empowered and educated themselves and their partners through recommended reading and taking a child birthing class. My patients have been very pleased with the Bradley Method of child birthing.

4. Movement and Relaxation: Some form of exercise and relaxation are vital to keep mom healthy and balanced physically and mentally. I personally recommend my patients continue their current exercise regime. If that’s not possible or they were not exercising before becoming pregnant, to begin slowly. Some ideas would be walking, swimming, or my favorite yoga. Regular pre-natal yoga practice will address both components of movement and relaxation. This can be done at home with a DVD or in a formal class or studio. Try combining your yoga practice or exercise with therapeutic grade essential oils like lavender, vanilla, or citrus to deepen your relaxation.

5. Chiropractic care: My practice of Chiropractic is devoted to improving families health. I also hold a certification in a specialized chiropractic technique developed for pregnant women called the Webster technique. Chiropractic adjustments throughout pregnancy are an extremely safe and effective way to prepare your body for its journey through pregnancy, birth, and into motherhood. I help your body by balancing the spine, pelvis and associated muscles as well as the ligaments that support the uterus. In balancing the spine and nervous system through adjustments, your body functions optimally and without interference in its systems. Thus creating an ideal environment for mom, the baby, and the birthing process. Many women I have cared for have reported back the vast benefits they have received due to regular chiropractic care during their pregnancy. The benefits range from decreased physical symptoms during pregnancy and birth, easier labor with decreased or no medical interventions, fast recovery following birth and much more!

To learn more about Dr. Carri Tanaka’s practice or for more information on the tips in this article visit or call 714-256-2225

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

Thanks for checking out my blog. I am a family wellness chiropractor practicing in Brea, California. (North Orange County) My specialty in my practice is pregnancy and pediatric chiropractic care. The purpose of my blog is to share more information with those who are interested in chiropractic, holistic health, essential oils, pediatrics, pregnancy, homeopathy, nutrition, and more.
I am brand new to blogging, so bear with me, and I hope you enjoy reading and learning.
Many blessings in health!