Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I can help!

The purpose of this post is to educate those who read this on the extreme importance of recieving chiropractic care during pregnancy. If you are already pregnant, or thinking of becoming pregnant, it is highly recommended that you talk to me about finding a chiropractor who can help you throughout this special time. Your nervous system controls all functions in your body. If there is interference in the nervous system, your body does not function as it is intended to. During pregnancy, your body goes through many changes biochemically and biomechanically which can cause interference in the nervous system.
As a chiropractor, I help balance out your nervous system, pelvis, muscles and ligaments that hold your baby, which reduces this stress on your nervous system. When there is interference or stress in your nervous system during your pregancy and this is not addressed, you may experience many different symptoms some including but not limited to: pain, headaches, difficulty sleeping, anxiousness, irritability, etc. Your baby may experience constraints in positioning and when delivery comes it may lead to difficulty during labor and mal-positioning (breech, posterior presentation, etc)Studies have shown that difficulty during labor and/or baby mal-positioning strongly increase the chances of medical intervention. (labor induction, drugs, forceps, vaccuum extraction, and even c-sections)
In my practice I use the Webster technique on pregnant women. This technique is a specific chiropractic adjustment performed to help balance your spine, pelvis, nervous system, muscles and ligaments to ensure proper function of your body during your pregnancy. So if you are pregnant or someone you care about is, and you want to ensure a safe and natural birthing experience, call me! If you are not in the north orange county area, I can help you find a webster certified Chiropractor to help you!

Blessings in well-being,
Dr. Carri TanakaChiropractor

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