Monday, June 1, 2009

Top 10 Tips to Care for your little athelete!

10-Always warm up-increasing blood flow to the joints, muscles and ligments helps to avoid muscle injury

9-Avoid "heading the ball" in soccer as this causes undue strain on the neck and shoulder muscles while increasing the risk for brain injury

8-Land on bent knees when jumping, or risk tearing the ligament that joins the thigh to the shin!

7-When playing baseball or softball use non-stationary bases so that children sliding feet or face first into the bases will avoid serious injury.

6-Be sure to give your child a healthy meal prior to exertion! Lean protein like grilled chicken or fish is a great choice. Pair that with a complex carbohydrate such as brown rice and some veggies to make an "all star meal"

5-Teach your child to listen to their body's warning signals and never play through the pain.

4-Always wear protective proper gear from helmets to cleats and everything in between!

3-Make sure that practice time is reasonable and avoid practicing or playing to excess as the body is meant to work for a certain span of time, and then rest for an equal span of time.

2-While wearing the right thing is important, not wearing the wrong thing is equally important. Jewelry can get snagged on other players or their clothing causing painful injury.

And lastly and importantly!

1-Dr. Carri Tanaka, your Family Wellness Chiropractor plays an important role in helping your little athelete operate at optimum efficiency and play their best. Make sure your child has regular chiropractic check ups and adjustments. Especially if an injury has taken place!

Blessings in health!

Dr. Carri

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