Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Vaccine Safety

I'm back! Here's a great article for all of those parent's or parent's to be out there who are thinking about vaccines.

Vaccine Safety by Carri Tanaka, DC

The most important thing to know when considering vaccines for your child is that you do have a choice. You as a parent have the right to chose to vaccinate according to the recommended schedule, alternative schedule, or no vaccines at all! Many people are led to believe that if their child is not vaccinated that they will not be allowed into school and they are putting their child in danger. This is simply NOT TRUE. There are exemptions in each state for families who chose not to vaccinate. Check out for exemption information, forms, and more info. This is a wonderful website.
The second most important thing to do is to get educated! Talk to your family doctor, pediatrician, and holistic health practitioner about your choices, rights, and the benefits and risks associated with vaccinations (both short and long term risks). However, don’t rely entirely on your doctor’s advice; there are several books as well as websites that I recommend parents review prior to making their decisions. Please educate yourself on both sides of this topic in order to make an informed decision. If you still need more time to make a choice, most doctors will respect your choice to postpone the vaccines.
And remember, never ever vaccinate during a time when your child’s immune system is compromised! (Actively sick or has a fever, are teething, or have increased stress levels)

If you do choose vaccines for your child (or even if not), the following tips will help ensure that he/she has a stronger immune system. Remember that 70-80% of our immune system is located in our gut!

Avoid unnecessary or excessive antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics will weaken the immune system and leave your child susceptible to repeat infections. If you do have to use antibiotics, make sure to re-establish good bacteria in your child’s body by supplementing them with a high quality pro-biotic supplement. Our patients buy Flora Boost from us which is a children's pro-biotic. One month supply is $16.
Certain foods weaken the immune system such as: dairy products, soy, processed milks, white refined sugars, juice and soda, processed cereals, fried foods, partially hydrogenated oils, etc. Focus on whole foods, organic fruits and veggies, breast milk, filtered water, etc. Do not give any solids prior to six months of age.
Absolutely important are omega three essential fatty acids. If you are nursing, make sure you are taking a high quality fish oil supplement as you and your child will benefit. If your child is no longer nursing, supplement 120mg EPA and 180mg DHA per every 10lbs of body weight daily. Our patients commonly use Coromega Omega Three supplements or DHA Junior. Both of these products are available at our office.
For more information on Vaccine safety, recommended websites/books, and nutrition tips, please contact Dr. Carri at 714-256-2225

Many Blessings in health!
Dr. Carri

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