Monday, June 23, 2008

Addition to Food Section in Healthy Living Guide

Ok, so I mentioned organic foods in my last post on healthy eating. Some people complain about the fact that organic food in more expensive. Ok, ok, so we all can't buy everything organic or go to our farmer's market every week to pick up our produce. I get it! So in response to this "problem" I thought it would be helpful to list out the most important fruits and veggies to make sure you buy organic because they are particularly prone to higher levels of pesticides/toxins. Washing your produce only removes these pesticides partially. There is a significant amount that you are still ingesting. So anyhow, this comes courtesy of the enviromental working group. (thanks guys!)
The Dirty Dozen: Peaches, apples, sweet bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, lettuce, grapes, pears, spinach, and potatoes.

Ok folks, make sure you buy these organics for sure, and if you can buy them at the local farmer's markets, even better!!

Good luck and many blessings in health,
Dr. Carri

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